Use this time, BEFORE you have to study for your next promotion exam, to study the most important topic in your profession - the law.
The way
you will learn to apply
the law is the way it is taught in law school!
Case Law Pro
(CLP), our
attorney-designed advanced legal training system,
leads to a thorough understanding of
how to apply the law on the
streets - where it counts most.
You will learn the way law students do - through scenarios, identifying the CORRECT action - and learning WHY the other choices are INCORRECT.
Using our advanced, online Learning Management System (LMS) you will have a 120-day subscription to 18 legal training modules and exams from state and national legal textbooks!
Case Law Pro (CLP) is a high-level skill-building system that is based on how attorneys learn to read and analyze the 200+ most important U.S. Supreme Court cases.
CLP learning and testing are NOT aimed at memorizing case names and details - you will learn the reasoning and concepts behind each case.
Improve your scores in promotional written exams, oral boards and assessment centers by using CLP to study hundreds of factual law enforcement scenarios, identifying correct as well as incorrect responses to each one.
Keep your legal skills sharp, updated and tested - ready for the NEXT round of promotion exams and assessments!
As a BONUS you can take any 2 of our State and National Attorney-written Legal Exams from popular titles used by law enforcement officers throughout the nation! See the List
Everything you need to learn all 18 CLP Modules is included. You will take your time and self-pace through the modules in a full 120 days.
CLP is the BEST value in advanced legal training offered anywhere - 120 days of access to all 18 Modules is only 69.95 - and is 100% RISK FREE!
We KNOW CLP is highly effective legal
training, so we'll accept all the
risk. We guarantee that if within 30 days you complete at least 4 modules and
you don't see the value to your
career or your next promotion we'll refund 100% of your
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